

Beware of products similar to “Nekojasuri”.


Thank you for the great response to “Nekojasuri”. We apologize for the inconvenience. Production is not keeping up with demand and it may take some time to ship your order.
We are in the process of increasing production, so please be patient for a while.


Some products similar to our “Nekojasuri” are sold on the Internet.
Some customers mistook other products for our products, so we have summarized the main differences between our products and similar products below. Please note that the materials used are different, etc., so please be careful when purchasing.


Difference from similar products 1: Package logo


Wataoka Nekojasuri / similar products


Difference from similar products 2: Imprint on the body


Wataoka Nekojasuri / similar products


Differences from similar products 3: Material and place of manufacture of the body


Wataoka Nekojasuri / similar products